Most refinish and repair projects take 2-3 weeks to complete. A few additional days may be needed to complete assembly.
A careful evaluation and discussion of your expectations is always the first step for any project. The following lists outline some main topics to evaluate and consider.
- Evaluate general construction quality
- Determine wood type
- List necessary repair work
- Discuss Coloring options / limitations
Albany * Clifton Park * The Adirondacks * Eastern Vermont * If you're located outside Glens Falls, but within 50 miles, and you are a serious potential customer, we would like a chance to do your work. If we can agree on an estimated range over the phone, and you are willing to let me take the work when I come out and do the quote, then we are willing to provide the pickup and delivery at a low additional cost. If you had an entire dining room set for example ( table, 6 chairs, buffet ), we would be very eager to provide the pickup and delivery at a minimum cost. We stand ready to be of service. I believe we offer a quality of workmanship and service that you may not be able to find in your local area. I expect to give you the same consistently high level of satisfaction we have been providing for over
15 years here in the Glens Falls area.
We provide a written proposal of work and a price quote for all orders.
Fees apply for commerical, moving, and insurance claims.
Our written quotation will state a cost for the work to be done as is listed. The main instructions for each job are as follows.
- Item description
- General job description
- Color instruction
- Repair instruction details
- Pickup and Delivery
- A schedule commitment, when necessary.
Other specialty items may be needed to complete a project and are listed on the quote as well. Below is a list of the most common special items that would be noted on the quotation if they are to be provided.
- Order new glass or mirrors
- Order new replacement hardware
- Prewoven Caning services
- Electric lamp parts
We can give you an opinion as to the general quality of construction of you furniture. We can usually determine what type of wood it is. We will assess the need for repairs, which is of utmost importance, and give you a price for those repairs. We are not hesitant to advise caution or even advise against proceeding, if there is indication that we cannot meet the expectation hoped for.