A.H.M. Furniture Repair


This is a solid walnut Serving Cabinet made by the Standard Table Company of Jamestown, NY. It is one piece of a complete set we are restoring. This set belonged to the owners mother and is complete with all the chairs.



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Here is before overview photo.



2b4open.jpg (103607 bytes) The owners do not want any stain so the inside will need to be stripped as well.


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We started by removing and re-gluing the legs. All of the legs were loose and it is better as well as more efficient to strip the legs off the piece because of the detail work in the legs.

4durdoors.jpg (55603 bytes)  We remove the doors and any hardware. This makes the detail work easier and allows us to clean up the hardware when possible.
After coloring the trim as needed it is off to the finishing room. 
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When the three coats of finish has dried, the piece is rubbed with 4-0 steel wool then with a soft cloth. 

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Finally a light bee's wax is applied and polished to the desired luster to match the other pieces in the set. Then it is off to be wrapped and delivered.