A.H.M Furniture Repair

Natural Cherry chairs with deep pressure dents and scratches proved to be a very demanding repair, but was 75% cheaper than replacements.

 Damaged by needle nose pliers in a pocket, the customer only hoped that we could repair the three damaged chairs to make the damage less noticeable.

Natural Cherry chairs with deep pressure dents and scratches.

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Close up of natural Cherry chairs with deep pressure dents and scratches

Natural Cherry chairs with deep pressure dents and scratches repaired.


A closer view of the area which shows the severity of the damage.

After carefully sanding away the finish around the damage, the dents were steamed to swell the wood grain and bring it as close as possible to the natural thickness. Then fine sanding again, and scraping to seal the grain. Finally we were able to replace the water based urethane finish and color as required.

The repaired chairs were virtually indistinguishable from any undamaged chair.